Top Five Paper Packaging Problems and Solutions

With consumers looking to spend money ethically, many businesses are looking to switch to sustainable packaging with minimal impact on the environment. 

Paper is a far more responsible material for packaging than plastic – especially when it’s made from recycled paper and is 100 per cent recyclable. However, paper packaging can pose some problems that might deter businesses from making the switch.

Here, we debunk the top five problems with paper packaging and give easy solutions to help you bring your sustainable packaging ambitions to fruition. 

Strength of paper 

The problem

Some paper packaging can be weak or flimsy, lacking the support that less environmentally friendly packaging provides. To transport goods safely, businesses need sturdy materials that will store products securely.

The solution

Opt for strong, well-manufactured paper packaging. Protega paper is highly durable thanks to its innovative design that features creases and crimples to bolster strength. The Protega machine, built to be integrated into your packing system, produces paper specifically designed to be durable with any type of product. 

Water-intensive production 

The problem

Some paper packaging involves a water-intensive production process. If an excess use of water is involved in the production process, it can counteract the environmental benefit of using paper over plastic packaging.

The solution

At Protega, we source our paper from sustainable forests that are carefully managed and FSC certified. Our production process also uses local watermills to reduce our carbon footprint


The problem

Paper packaging can cost more than other packaging types, such as plastic.

The solution

Despite the initial higher cost, switching to paper packaging can save you money by increasing packing speeds. With Protega’s innovative equipment, comprehensive staff training and clever packing techniques that require less packaging, the packing process can be faster with paper. With pack times increased by up to 50 per cent, your business’ productivity will increase dramatically, therefore saving you money in the long run.

Don’t forget that the government are launching a Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) in April 2022, so it may be cheaper for your business to switch to paper packaging anyway.


The problem

An increased demand for paper can result in more deforestation.

The solution

Deforestation is only a problem when trees are sourced unsustainably. If you want to use paper packaging whilst conserving forests, only use paper products from sustainable sources. At Protega, we source our paper from local FSC-approved sustainable forests.

FSC awards its forest management certification to forests that are managed in a way that sustains economic viability. Approved forests strive to preserve biological diversity and benefit the lives of local people and workers. Certified management teams guarantee the future of their forests by planting more trees than they harvest.

Heavier to transport

The problem

Paper packaging can be heavier to transport than other, less environmentally friendly packaging. Which can negatively impact your business’ carbon footprint. 

The solution

Despite its heavier weight, the size of paper packaging products means you can transport more of it at once. For example, Protega’s Hexel Wrap – a paper alternative to bubble wrap – takes up 80 per cent less space when rolled than traditional plastic bubble wrap.

If your business is considering switching to paper packaging, get in touch with Protega Global today to discuss your requirements.

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